Sign: First 100 words
Online baby and toddler signing course
We'll show you what signs to teach first and why
We'll show you how to teach signs through every-day activities
Have access to a photo and video library of signs that you can check back on, whenever you need
We've got you covered, from an intro to communication skills, to three dedicated modules for each stage of your little one's early communication. We'll give you tips and advice as well as show you how to sign!
Communication stages
Make a note... What's your child's communication stage?
What does Communication Involve?
First 100 Signs
Top tips for getting started with early communicators
Core signs for early communicators
Let's practice- match the sign to the word
Build momentum and keep track
Top tips for signing with 'single word users'
Let's Sign- Clothes
Let's Sign- Meal Times
Let's Sign- Playtime
Let's Sign- Animals
Let's Sign- Vehicles
Let's Sign- Instructions
Let's Sign- Objects
Let's Sign- Actions
Let's practice
Top tips for expanding with 'word combiners'
Let's Sign- Feelings
Let's Sign- Weather
Let's Sign- Social Words
Let's Sign- Describing Words
Let's Sign- Other Requests
Let's Sign- People Words
Let's practice in sentences and songs
Let's make sentences & Signs manual
Your feedback
You're at the end!
Natural Gestures
BSL Alphabet Information
BSL alphabet
No! There is no research that using signs with children will delay their speaking. If and when they can speak, they will! Children will have the motor skills needed for signing before they can speak, so it gives children a way of communicating early on, reducing frustrations and creating confidence around communicating.
Our signs are based on British Sign Language (BSL). Some signs have been adapted slightly to make them easier for little hands to sign.
While you are teaching your little one important key words to communicate, you are not teaching them a 'sign language'. British Sign Language or any other sign languages are languages in their own right, with their own set of rules and grammar which we will not be covering on this course.
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